Apex Technology Blog

Apex Technology has been serving the Carolinas since 1998, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

AI to Be Included in Select Microsoft Tools

AI to Be Included in Select Microsoft Tools

Artificially-intelligent image generation has become a hot topic in recent weeks and months. Not too long ago, an artist created a stir for winning a competition with an image that he largely created using an artificially-intelligent tool. Now, Microsoft has announced that similar AI-powered image generation tools will be integrated into many of their applications.

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Remote Operations Need to Succeed Before Hybrid Can Work

Remote Operations Need to Succeed Before Hybrid Can Work

Whether we like it or not, remote work is not going anywhere, and now that employees have gotten a taste of what it feels like to work remotely, more are eager to do so than ever before. Unfortunately, the reality is that employers are eventually going to want their employees to return to the office in at least some capacity. How can employers do this without upsetting employees too much? The answer lies in a hybrid work environment.

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Protecting Your Data is Easier Through Network Segmentation

Protecting Your Data is Easier Through Network Segmentation

As Miguel de Cervantes wrote in Don Quixote, “...is the part of a wise man to keep himself today for tomorrow, and not venture all his eggs in one basket.” It was wise advice then, and it’s wise advice now—especially when it comes to your business’ network and your data security.

Let’s explore the concept of network segmentation, and how it can help to protect your business.

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How to Tell If an Upgrade is In Order

How to Tell If an Upgrade is In Order

In all aspects of society, upgrades and updates have become part of life. For instance, consider how often you’re prompted to update your software—and how often some people may ignore these prompts, assuming that everything will be just fine.

As you might imagine, this is not the mindset that will allow your business to advance. Instead, it’s important that you can identify when your technology is no longer helping and is instead holding you back so that you can implement that which will help your business advance.

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Why It’s Important Your Organization Avoids BEC

Why It’s Important Your Organization Avoids BEC

Sometimes the worst scams out there are the simplest ones. Hackers don’t need a fancy or complicated malware or algorithm to create chaos for your organization; all they have to do is convince you that the email you’ve received in your inbox is from someone of authority within your business. Let’s go over how a business email compromise is pulled off and why you need to be wary of threats like these.

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Tip of the Week: Save Your Documents as PDFs

Tip of the Week: Save Your Documents as PDFs

It’s a great feeling, being able to download something, but also being able to download it as a PDF file. In cases where you want to save something as a PDF rather than its original image or web page file, you can do so relatively easily in order to make printing and other tasks easier. You can do all of this right from your web browser.

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Here Are Some of the Best Ways to Limit Vulnerabilities

Here Are Some of the Best Ways to Limit Vulnerabilities

No matter how well you protect your network, chances are you’ll suffer from some vulnerability or another. That said, you can take considerable measures toward protecting your business so you don’t have to worry so much about them. Let’s discuss how your efforts today can protect your business now and in the future.

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What is the Command Prompt For?

What is the Command Prompt For?

While using your computer, you might have seen a black box pop up with a blinking cursor in it. This is what is commonly known as the command prompt. It’s helpful for IT administrators to perform certain tasks, but you probably won’t use it much yourself. That said, it’s fun to know what it does and what it’s used for!

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Tip of the Week: Keep Your Android Device Updated

Tip of the Week: Keep Your Android Device Updated

If you use Android mobile devices, then you’ll know that updating your device is routine maintenance to keep it safe from threats and security breaches. Not only that, but updating your device can resolve various bugs which impact functionality. Let’s go over how you can update your device to the latest version of its operating system.

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While You Still Need to Protect Yourself from Them, Hackers are Often Victims Themselves

While You Still Need to Protect Yourself from Them, Hackers are Often Victims Themselves

Due to the almost faceless nature of many cybercrime acts, it can be easy to see them as nothing more than the acts themselves, which is of course not true in the slightest. Behind these attacks are people, and where people performing illegal acts are concerned, there will always be concerns about other criminal acts which perpetuate the ones at the surface.

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Could an AI-Enhanced Wearable Proactively Monitor Your Health?

Could an AI-Enhanced Wearable Proactively Monitor Your Health?

While we typically focus on how various technologies can be used in business applications as a way to boost a small or medium-sized organization’s capabilities, we occasionally come across a topic that is just undeniably cool (and that we can bring back around to business concerns, to boot). We recently heard about the development of a flexible new wearable that uses AI to monitor the health of the wearer that we wanted to discuss with you.

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Tip of the Week: Print Both Sides in Word

Tip of the Week: Print Both Sides in Word

How much paper does your office waste on printing, and it’s all because someone printed out a large multi-page document on single-sided paper? It’s very easy to forget to check these settings, but sometimes people don’t even know they exist. Let’s go over how you can print on both sides of the paper and take full advantage of the prime real estate that can be found on the flip-side of your documents.

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With Innovation Lagging, How Should You Choose Your Next Smartphone?

With Innovation Lagging, How Should You Choose Your Next Smartphone?

Technology gets better and more efficient over time, and smartphones are one of today’s standout examples. Although their growth has stagnated a bit in recent years, it’s no small thing to say that smartphone innovation has really taken off, offering extremely fast processors, data storage in the cloud, and so much more. Let’s go over what you might look at when you purchase a new smartphone.

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You Can Save Money with the Right Cloud Solutions

You Can Save Money with the Right Cloud Solutions

The cloud has helped countless organizations all over the world establish themselves as powerhouses of their industries through dynamic and flexible solutions. One of the biggest reasons why the cloud is so effective—particularly for growing companies—is because of how scalable it is. Let’s examine how this scalability can help your company succeed despite how much it grows.

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What Leads to Failure in a Business Project?

What Leads to Failure in a Business Project?

Digital transformation is projected to make huge waves in the business environment, with an anticipated value of approximately $767 billion by the year 2026. It’s clear that businesses have lofty ambitions and expectations for their digital transformation initiatives, but there is a shadow that is cast on this number that holds many companies back: many of these initiatives fail, and fail hard. Why is this the case? We explore these reasons in this month’s newsletter. 

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Don’t Miss Out on the Benefits that VoIP Offers

Don’t Miss Out on the Benefits that VoIP Offers

Communications are critical for businesses of all sizes, including small businesses and their telephone systems. While the technology likely still plays some role in your office, other means of communication have likely come to the forefront. In some ways, the traditional telephone has been left behind…with Voice over Internet Protocol largely taking its place.

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Scammers Come at You From Every Direction

Scammers Come at You From Every Direction

Imagine this scenario: you’re going about your daily tasks when you receive an email from a cybersecurity company claiming that you have become the target of a hacking attack. Now, you don’t work in IT, so you’re not sure what your security agency is or what security policies or procedures you have in place, so you trust the message and respond to the email. Unfortunately, the message came from a cyberthreat, and now you are on their hook, line and sinker.

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Sova, the Android Banking Malware, is Back and Worse than Before

Sova, the Android Banking Malware, is Back and Worse than Before

Even if mobile malware doesn’t have nearly as much of a presence in the cyber threat landscape as other major threats like ransomware variants, it is still just as dangerous under the right circumstances. An Android banking malware called Sova, for example, has returned with a vengeance with additional features to make users’ lives miserable.

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Is Your Business Equipped for Modern Collaboration?

Is Your Business Equipped for Modern Collaboration?

Saving on capital expenditures is the successful business owner’s superpower. Today, a lot of the strategic cost-cutting that is being done is through collaboration. When you increase the productivity of your staff, you can do more with less. Let’s look at some of the tools being used by successful organizations to enhance their productivity.

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Are You Alienating Employees By Forcing Them Back to the Office?

Are You Alienating Employees By Forcing Them Back to the Office?

Look, we get it: remote work has become a bit of a topic of contention lately. While employees have been relishing the benefits that remote work offers them, many employers have been doing everything they can to bring their workforce back into the workplace.

Now, it wouldn’t be unfair for you to assume that we would push remote work as a managed service provider because we just so happen to assist businesses in managing it as a part of our services. This is true enough…but we aren’t the only ones with an opinion on the topic.

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18335 Old Statesville Rd. Suite K
Cornelius, North Carolina 28031

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