Apex Technology Blog

Apex Technology has been serving the Carolinas since 1998, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: Optimizing Your Business Wi-Fi’s Security

Tip of the Week: Optimizing Your Business Wi-Fi’s Security

Wi-Fi connectivity is a remarkable technology when you really think about it, and it has fundamentally changed how we work today. What hasn’t changed, unfortunately, is that hackers and cybercriminals will try to use this technology to their own advantage. Therefore, let’s discuss a few relatively simple ways that you can improve your wireless network’s overall security.

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How You Can Keep Prying Eyes Off the Emails You Send

How You Can Keep Prying Eyes Off the Emails You Send

Email remains a cornerstone in business communications, often containing sensitive information and other data that really needs to be protected. Fortunately, modern email platforms often enable you to add a little bit of protection, so long as you know what the process looks like. 

Let’s go over how you can make your emails just that much more secure.

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Why You Need to Concern Yourself with Your Business’ Cybersecurity Compliance

Why You Need to Concern Yourself with Your Business’ Cybersecurity Compliance

Regardless of your industry, there are going to be certain regulatory standards that you will be responsible for upholding. Many of these standards will be related in some way to your cybersecurity. Let’s talk about some of these cybersecurity standards, and why compliance is so critical for your business.

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Why You Want Critical Thinking Behind Your IT Management

Why You Want Critical Thinking Behind Your IT Management

Critical thinking skills are universally useful to have, particularly in the business setting, and especially when it comes to your business’ information technology management. Let’s discuss how these skills benefit your business, and how you can work to foster them.

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The Reality Is That You Could Know More About Cybersecurity, Part 2

The Reality Is That You Could Know More About Cybersecurity, Part 2

Last week, we went over why your business’ cybersecurity processes need to involve training. This time around, we wanted to focus on the other side of things, and delve into the essential network protections that no modern business should be operating without.

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Could the Blockchain Someday Make Business Data More Secure?

Could the Blockchain Someday Make Business Data More Secure?

The blockchain has been a hot topic in the past few years, if only tangentially. With all the buzz around cryptocurrencies, it can be easy to forget about the underlying technology that powers it and its other applications. Let’s pivot to these other applications for a moment and discuss how the blockchain could potentially be involved with security needs at some point in the future.

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Data Backup Truly Protects a Business

Data Backup Truly Protects a Business

Data backup is a must-have for every business, but it isn’t enough to just copy your data. You will need to have a data recovery strategy in place to ensure that your business can effectively respond after a data loss incident. Today, we’ll take a look at why considering your recovery strategy early is important, and how to prioritize it with everything else going on with your business.

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The Reality Is That You Could Know More About Cybersecurity, Part 1

The Reality Is That You Could Know More About Cybersecurity, Part 1

The modern threat landscape is vast and unpredictable, and even if you think you know enough about cybersecurity to protect your business, we bet that you don’t. It’s not even just in the business world, either; individuals also struggle against cyberthreats, and so too do IT administrators. The next couple of weeks will be dedicated to cybersecurity to get across everything you need to know about it.

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Tip of the Week: Easily Manage Virtual Desktops in Windows 11

Tip of the Week: Easily Manage Virtual Desktops in Windows 11

A lot of the time, user productivity is just about getting down to business. Sometimes, however, there are simply just too many different tasks to complete and it can bog down the production process. One way that users can use Windows to help them manage tasks is through the use of virtual desktops. Users can utilize multiple desktop experiences to separate the myriad of things they need to do. For today’s tip, we tell you how to utilize multiple virtual desktops in Windows 11. 

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A Cool New Security Technology May Make the Password a Thing of the Past

A Cool New Security Technology May Make the Password a Thing of the Past

Whether you love them or hate them, passwords serve an important purpose in the realm of cybersecurity. They are the first line of defense against potential threats, yet they are also notoriously easy to crack. Some of the biggest names in technology have been working on ways to get around the challenges presented by password security, including one that we are excited to highlight in today’s blog.

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Keyboards Get Pretty Gross, Here’s the Safest Way to Clean It

Keyboards Get Pretty Gross, Here’s the Safest Way to Clean It

The keyboard that you may very well have used to access this blog is, in a word, gross. While we aren’t going to go into too much detail about what makes keyboards so grimy, we did want to outline how you can easily clean up your keyboard every so often, just to make sure that it’s A: more hygienic, and B: less likely to malfunction at some point.

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File Digitization Brings a New Element to Your File Management

File Digitization Brings a New Element to Your File Management

Most modern organizations will have digitized their businesses to at least some degree without really putting much effort or thought into it. This massive and often unconscious change has created a lot of benefits for businesses with perhaps one of the most overlooked benefits being document digitization. Today, we want to discuss the great benefits that come from this initiative and why you should consider it.

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What Can We Learn from T-Mobile’s Latest Data Breach?

What Can We Learn from T-Mobile’s Latest Data Breach?

It hasn’t been very long since T-Mobile experienced its latest major hack, but unfortunately, here we are again. Hackers have again accessed customer data, with 37 million customers being affected amongst both their prepaid and subscription-based accounts.

Let’s dive into the situation, and what can be learned from it.

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Patience is a Virtue…Especially Amongst Your Team, Part 2

Patience is a Virtue…Especially Amongst Your Team, Part 2

Our blog last week covered how patience is an important part of the most successful and productive employees’ arsenal. This week, we want to cover how you can help your employees be more patient. If you know someone in your office who could take things down a notch, this is just the blog for you with four suggestions that might do the trick.

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VoIP Has the Features You Need in a Complete Communications System

VoIP Has the Features You Need in a Complete Communications System

Ah, the business telephone solution. You know you need it, but you dislike working with your current telephone provider for a number of reasons. You know you can get a better deal if you look around, but we bet that the best deal around is a hosted Voice over Internet Protocol solution from Apex Technology. How can our VoIP solution save your business time, energy, and resources?

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What Should You Expect out of Artificial Intelligence?

What Should You Expect out of Artificial Intelligence?

AI has been a hot topic in recent months and years, which only makes sense. Not only has it been used in more public applications, but it has also caused a bit of controversy as it seems to “compete” with people. Back in September, art made by using an artificially intelligent platform caused a stir by winning an art competition, and workplace fears of a computer taking one’s job have seemingly become more well-founded than ever.

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Patience is a Virtue…Especially Amongst Your Team

Patience is a Virtue…Especially Amongst Your Team

Most people are capable of productivity, but sometimes it can come a bit harder for some than for others. If you find your staff have difficulty with consistency and productivity, we aren’t here to tell you methods for increasing their productivity; rather, we want to introduce a concept that is often overlooked when trying to get the most out of your team, and is a trait often found in the most productive people, and that is patience.

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In Battle Employee vs. AI, Everyone Can Be a Winner

In Battle Employee vs. AI, Everyone Can Be a Winner

For many years now, there’s been a bit of a fear of AI—artificial intelligence—in the workplace, all while it has been put into practical use more and more often in many businesses. This all ties back to the work of Alan Turing, who (amongst his accomplishments in computing) created what we know as the Turing Test as a means of gauging how intelligent a computer is. 

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The Bare Necessities of Business Security

The Bare Necessities of Business Security

For a long time, businesses that didn’t have any cybersecurity problems would never consider investing in additional cybersecurity tools. The decision-makers of these companies simply didn’t find it necessary; and many of them had a point (until they didn’t). Today’s threat landscape is much, much more complex than it was only a few short years ago and therefore businesses need to make a point to set up the security tools that will help them secure their network and infrastructure from threats. Let’s take a look at some strategies that work to help modern businesses secure their digital resources:

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Tip of the Week: Unfollow Someone on Facebook Instead of Unfriending Them

Tip of the Week: Unfollow Someone on Facebook Instead of Unfriending Them

Social media can be remarkably overstimulating, and for some users this is a problem which is difficult to navigate without giving it up entirely. If you want a nice middle-ground to terminating your account entirely, you can instead curate your news feed by unfollowing accounts that don’t enrich your day. Let’s go over how you can do this.

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18335 Old Statesville Rd. Suite K
Cornelius, North Carolina 28031

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