Apex Technology Blog
Whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re likely already utilizing the cloud in at least some capacity. The trick is to find the best way to manage your business’ cloud so that it works for your organization’s specific needs. Today, we want to look at the different types of cloud management policies and why you need to weigh your options to get the most value for your business.
It’s no secret that Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers in the world, if not the most popular. Still, most people don’t use the browser to its full potential, and they leave so many wasted opportunities to save time and resources on the table. Today, we want to highlight some of these tips, but also a couple of features that perhaps you didn’t know existed for Google Chrome so you can continue to get more value out of it as a business and productivity tool.
The Android operating system periodically receives updates and patches detailed in online publications called Android Security Bulletins. In the March 2025 edition, Google announced that 43 malicious bugs had been resolved, two of which were zero-day vulnerabilities.
Let’s talk about how to implement these fixes and why this is a practice that should reach every aspect of your business’ IT.
It should come as no surprise that cybersecurity is a big challenge for businesses and individuals alike. The problem: life pretty much revolves around being online these days, so there’s no avoiding it. Therefore, it’s your responsibility to ensure that any data you collect from your customers, employees, and other key stakeholders in your business is well-protected, otherwise you will face severe consequences.