
Apex Technology Blog

Apex Technology has been serving the Carolinas since 1998, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Did You Know? Big Tech Companies Don’t Care About Your Data Privacy

Did You Know? Big Tech Companies Don’t Care About Your Data Privacy

How important do you consider security for your personal and private data on your web-connected accounts? If you don’t think about it often, you should be; countless entities out there—including major enterprises and providers you trust—do not respect your data privacy and security. Let’s discuss how some large companies take advantage of your data and some of the questions you should consider when trusting these companies with your data.

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The Best Practices of Video Conferencing

The Best Practices of Video Conferencing

Video conferencing has really taken off in recent years, due in no small part to the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced remote work on most businesses worldwide. However, businesses see the benefits of video conferencing, and it has now cemented itself as a go-to communications solution for all businesses. Today, we want to discuss how to make virtual meetings and video conferencing more productive and more engaging.

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Four Ways Your Business Can Benefit from the Cloud This Year

Four Ways Your Business Can Benefit from the Cloud This Year

Through cloud-based technology, your business can change the way it operates in countless different ways, all of which can benefit you in the long run. If you haven’t yet considered cloud-based solutions for infrastructure, then you could be missing out on some of the greatest innovations of the past decade. Here are some ways your business can start to leverage the cloud to its advantage.

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Technology Investments Can Significantly Help Your Business

Technology Investments Can Significantly Help Your Business

Technology plays a pivotal role in the operations of most businesses, but its primary function is to empower and support the workforce. Many employees have specific expectations when it comes to the technology provided by their organizations. Failure to meet these expectations can drive them to seek employment elsewhere. Let’s delve into five ways technology bolsters your employees' productivity.

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5 Ways You Can Improve Your Business’ Inventory Management

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Business’ Inventory Management

Sure, retailers have to manage their inventory effectively, but have you ever thought about the way your own business manages what it keeps on hand? Today we want to discuss five ways your business can more effectively manage inventory—and it turns out technology plays a pretty significant part in improving any inventory control system.

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Invest in Technology to Avoid These Eight Operational Problems

Invest in Technology to Avoid These Eight Operational Problems

Businesses need to be cognizant of the role technology plays in today’s operations. Not only do you stand to lose ground on your competition if you fail to properly invest in your technology, it can have other negative effects on your business as well. This week, we outline eight things that can go wrong if you aren’t constantly looking to build a technologically savvy business. 

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How to Prepare Your Business for Any Form of Disaster

How to Prepare Your Business for Any Form of Disaster

With technology serving such an indispensable role in modern business the looming threat of disaster is one that needs to be considered. With so many consequences on the line, it’s important that your business is prepared to deal with these disasters effectively and efficiently. Let’s run through some tips for properly preparing for your potential disaster recovery needs.

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Just Because You Can Automate Something, Doesn’t Mean You Should

Just Because You Can Automate Something, Doesn’t Mean You Should

One way businesses attempt to save money is through automating certain processes and tasks that have traditionally been time-consuming or monotonous for their workforce. When implemented appropriately, automation can cut costs, streamline operations, and improve quality of life for workers. However, just because a task can be automated doesn’t necessarily mean that it should be automated. Let’s look at the arguments for and against automation in these contexts.

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Is Antiquated Technology Hurting Your Business?

Is Antiquated Technology Hurting Your Business?

When your technology gets older it has a tendency to get less effective. This can be a major roadblock to organizational productivity, and have devastating effects on your business. These include major downtime events and overwhelming inefficiency. Let’s take a look at some ways that you know that it’s time to focus on reinvestment. 

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For Records and Information Management Month, Consider Your Own Data Practices

For Records and Information Management Month, Consider Your Own Data Practices

Back in 1995, the Association of Records Managers and Administrators were in the midst of campaigning for the renewal of the Paperwork Reduction Act. As a part of their efforts, they created National Records and Information Management Day. Over the years since, it has expanded into a week, and then into an entire month, for businesses around the world to consider their record-keeping practices.

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Identifying Technology Fatigue and What to Do About It

Identifying Technology Fatigue and What to Do About It

Technology fatigue is the mental grinding that comes with the overwhelming use of technology in our lives. Many people in the workforce haven’t had to use technology as much as they do today and the ever-growing demand for technology in business creates problems for employees (and therefore businesses). This week, we thought we’d discuss the truth behind technology fatigue and how individuals can do a better job of not getting burnt out from tech.

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VoIP Has the Features You Need in a Complete Communications System

VoIP Has the Features You Need in a Complete Communications System

Ah, the business telephone solution. You know you need it, but you dislike working with your current telephone provider for a number of reasons. You know you can get a better deal if you look around, but we bet that the best deal around is a hosted Voice over Internet Protocol solution from Apex Technology. How can our VoIP solution save your business time, energy, and resources?

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The IT Spending Telethon: What Type of Business Do You Have?

The IT Spending Telethon: What Type of Business Do You Have?

When you buy into any idea, you need to ask yourself, “how much money am I willing to spend?” The same goes for your business’ IT. Of course, your business isn’t a public television telethon, but today, we’re going to pretend it is by going through the levels of investment you can make and how it can impact your business. 

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Effective Project Management Is Made Possible By Having the Right Tools

Effective Project Management Is Made Possible By Having the Right Tools

Project management can be an exceptionally tricky part of implementing any new solution or service for your business. While technology can help with this process, you’ll want to understand how its implementation helps in the grand scheme of things. We’ll help explain how value-based managed IT services can help you ensure projects are completed with minimal downtime and technology hiccups.

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How to Tell If an Upgrade is In Order

How to Tell If an Upgrade is In Order

In all aspects of society, upgrades and updates have become part of life. For instance, consider how often you’re prompted to update your software—and how often some people may ignore these prompts, assuming that everything will be just fine.

As you might imagine, this is not the mindset that will allow your business to advance. Instead, it’s important that you can identify when your technology is no longer helping and is instead holding you back so that you can implement that which will help your business advance.

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Staying On Top of Your Technology Can Make Your Organization Much More Productive

Staying On Top of Your Technology Can Make Your Organization Much More Productive

Every business depends on productivity, but there are many different forms that productivity can take. The types that every business prefers are the actions that result in improved revenue generation. That’s not to say that all work that is done for your business isn’t important, but the more that can be done to make money, the better off your business will be. Let’s take a look at three ways your business can shift the way they do things with the use of technology. 

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What is an Inventory Management System?

What is an Inventory Management System?

Most businesses rely on keeping a certain amount of goods and resources in stock. For manufacturers and retailers, controlling your business’ inventory is essential to the success of their whole business. Today, there are inventory management tools that can give your business the confidence to know that you will have the resources and products in stock when you need them. This month, we’ll take a brief look at the modern Inventory management system. 

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How to Identify and Fix a Network Bottleneck

How to Identify and Fix a Network Bottleneck

Have you ever wondered why it sometimes takes longer than you might expect for certain tasks to be accomplished with your business’ network? It turns out that technology is far from a simple thing, and small issues can seriously derail productivity and efficiency of complex information systems, one of which is the notorious network bottleneck. How can you identify and rectify this issue for your network?

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Proactive Maintenance Can Save Your Business a lot of Grief

Proactive Maintenance Can Save Your Business a lot of Grief

If you want to minimize costs, being proactive can go a long way toward this goal. Your business’ technology is one such area where proactive maintenance can allow your company to save countless dollars and hours of downtime. If you haven’t implemented a proactive maintenance platform yet, then you might be putting your company at risk.

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The Chromebook May Just Be What Your Business Needs

The Chromebook May Just Be What Your Business Needs

Every business wants to make smart technology decisions. For the small business looking to get their workforce the affordable workstations one option that you have today is utilizing the budget Chromebooks that are available. Today we will discuss what the Chromebook can bring to your business and how it can help you reduce your hardware costs and get your staff the resources they need to be productive. 

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18335 Old Statesville Rd. Suite K
Cornelius, North Carolina 28031

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