Apex Technology Blog

Apex Technology has been serving the Carolinas since 1998, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Best Practices to Keep Threats Off Your Network

Best Practices to Keep Threats Off Your Network

There are many different varieties of cybercrime that businesses need to be vigilant about. However, most of these varieties can largely be avoided through a few basic practices and behaviors. Here, we’re giving you a few tips to help you prevent attacks from successfully influencing your business, so make sure you share them with your entire team, as well.

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As a Boss, Can I Monitor My Employees Through Their Webcams?

As a Boss, Can I Monitor My Employees Through Their Webcams?

One of the great obstacles many businesses have to remote work is the fact that, well, the team will be remote—not in the office, safely under supervision. This has led many to consider using the webcams installed in their employees’ devices to keep tabs on them. Let’s explore the idea of monitoring your team, and why it probably isn’t a good one.

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Wired or Wireless? That Is the Question

Wired or Wireless? That Is the Question

In the not-all-that-distant past, connectivity required an actual, physical connection between two endpoints. As a result, a wired connection was the only option for businesses to access online materials and resources. This leaves businesses with a choice to make: is a wired connection better for my operations, or should I implement wireless connectivity?

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How Do Hybrid Work Strategies Help Your Business?

How Do Hybrid Work Strategies Help Your Business?

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that not all companies have considered how to be flexible in their operations, but it has also given them opportunities to adjust accordingly. With these new flexibilities in place, what does the future of your office look like? Would you ever consider a hybrid approach to the workplace?

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How to Fight Back Against Cloud-Based Cybercrime

How to Fight Back Against Cloud-Based Cybercrime

The cloud is far and away one of the most beneficial technologies that a modern business has at its disposal. Unfortunately, the same can be said for modern cybercriminals. The cloud has given cybercriminals new opportunities that are important to acknowledge—as well, of course, to protect your business against.

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It’s Global Recycling Day… Do You Know Your Business’ Carbon Footprint?

It’s Global Recycling Day… Do You Know Your Business’ Carbon Footprint?

Today is Global Recycling Day, and is intended to remind us of all the materials that can be reused in everyday life, in part as a way to decrease our individual carbon footprint. However, it's valuable to know how much your business contributes in terms of its carbon footprint… and, once you know that figure, how you can reduce it.

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Tip of the Week: Why Your Team is Resistant to IT (or Any) Change

Tip of the Week: Why Your Team is Resistant to IT (or Any) Change

Change, whether you’re referring to that of your technology or any other business process, is often a point of contention between management and the rest of the business. Let’s explore this resistance to change that so many feel, and how you can help them overcome it

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While Fun, Those Social Media Quizzes Can be Dangerous

While Fun, Those Social Media Quizzes Can be Dangerous

We’ve all seen our friends and family sharing quizzes on their social media profiles, prompting people to find out what their celebrity stage name or what Hogwarts house you would be in, or to share what their first concert experience was. These fun, lighthearted quizzes are a great way to get to know a little more about the people we’re connected with… and that’s the biggest problem.

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Consider These 4 Ideas for Improved Video Meetings

Consider These 4 Ideas for Improved Video Meetings

Today, remote workers are constantly asked to endure meetings over their organization’s chosen video conferencing applications and while it may not be an ideal situation to enhance the collaborative flow of your team, there are certain variables that you can control to get the most out of your company’s virtual meetings. Let’s take a look at a few:

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Take a Long Look at Your Cybersecurity

Take a Long Look at Your Cybersecurity

Gauging the effectiveness of your cybersecurity can be a bit of a daunting task, especially when asking if it could make a major difference in protecting your organization’s network infrastructure. If you want to track and measure your business’ cybersecurity preparedness, here are four steps to help you perform an evaluation.

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Reviewing Smartphones - The Foldables

Reviewing Smartphones - The Foldables

With so many great smartphones on the market, there are bound to be a couple that stand out for being innovative and interesting in their designs. These devices—many of which fall into the foldable category—are pretty neat and worth looking into. Here are some of the better options on the market today.

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The Business of the Future, Today

The Business of the Future, Today

A lot of people like to venture predictions about what the future will bring for business, and many of those predictions are based on anecdotes and hopes. When it comes to information system management and the future of IT for business, there are a lot of claims made by companies looking to take advantage of the reliance on IT and present business owners’ and decision makers’ options on how to leverage this technology for their own good. Today, we thought we would take a look at three emerging technologies that we will all come to use in the future and whether they are right for your business now.

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Change Your Organization’s Strategies and Technology to Improve Employee Productivity

Change Your Organization’s Strategies and Technology to Improve Employee Productivity

Collaboration is not just nice, it is the only way many businesses can afford to keep the lights on. Understanding that truth makes it important to find the right strategies and technologies to support your staff’s collaborative endeavors. Today, we take a look at a few options to help improve your business’ collaboration. 

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Reviewing Smartphones - Value Devices

Reviewing Smartphones - Value Devices

“Value” smartphones don’t always have to be “bad” smartphones! To help you get the most out of your investment, we’ve put together a list of the best and brightest value smartphones on the market today. You might be surprised by how much value these manufacturers can pack into such devices!

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Limit Your Hardware Refresh Costs with this Simple Technology

Limit Your Hardware Refresh Costs with this Simple Technology

Businesses often struggle with the hardware side of running a business, whether it is finding the right solutions or taking care of them. Hardware like server units, workstations, and networking components are what keep your business functioning, and without it, you don’t have much of a business. How can you make sure that your organization is addressing this important aspect of running a business? How can you keep hardware from breaking your budget? We recommend starting with a network audit.

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Ransomware Isn’t the Only Malware You Need to Know

Ransomware Isn’t the Only Malware You Need to Know

Network security could mean any number of things, but more often than not, people are using the term as a blanket statement against the dreaded idea of malware and its many forms. Today, we are discussing how vast the world of malware can be and how often you might find yourself misunderstanding what it exactly is. Knowing all this can help you identify if you have become a malware victim or not.

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Create Secure Accounts with These Strong Password Tips

Create Secure Accounts with These Strong Password Tips

Keeping a secure password is a little confusing these days, especially when the standards for what is an acceptable, complex password seem to keep shifting back and forth. Let’s take a look at some of the industry-standard best practices for passwords and how you can implement them for your business.

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Microsoft Implementing Price Hike to Services

Microsoft Implementing Price Hike to Services

Microsoft has planned an increase in the price of its software offerings Microsoft 365 and Office 365, and make no mistake, it will impact your business in some way whether you are ready or not. We are writing this blog to share information that you might find important about this price increase so you can plan to get the most out of your software moving forward.

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The Internet of Things Can Help Stabilize Your Supply Chain

The Internet of Things Can Help Stabilize Your Supply Chain

The Internet of Things is an amalgamation of countless connected devices that all perform various functions. Many of these devices are being used in ways that businesses never thought possible. In fact, the Internet of Things and its boundless amount of connected devices have given manufacturers and corporations even more opportunities to get birds-eye views of operations, inventory management, and supply chain management.

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Reviewing Smartphones - The Flagships

Reviewing Smartphones - The Flagships

When purchasing your next smartphone, you might want to consider the latest flagship devices. Today, we want to discuss what the latest and greatest smartphones can offer for your business.

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18335 Old Statesville Rd. Suite K
Cornelius, North Carolina 28031

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