
Apex Technology Blog

Apex Technology has been serving the Carolinas since 1998, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

When Everything is Powered by IT, You Need a Reliable IT Resource

When Everything is Powered by IT, You Need a Reliable IT Resource

Let me ask you a question: is there anything in your office that doesn’t rely on technology in some way, shape, or form (and no, the old coffeepot that makes the perfect cup doesn’t count)? Increasingly, the answer to that question is “no.” Let’s review how much the average business nowadays relies on IT to really reinforce how ubiquitous technology has become.

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What is Social Engineering, and How Can I Stop It?

What is Social Engineering, and How Can I Stop It?

Let me ask you a few questions—first, how confident are you that you could spot an online ruse, and second, did you know there’s a stain on your shirt right now?

Did you look?

If so, you’ve just fallen for the school playground version of social engineering, a serious threat. Let’s discuss the kind that you’re more likely to see in terms of your business’ cybersecurity.

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Today’s Threats Can Really Disrupt Business

Today’s Threats Can Really Disrupt Business

As a business professional, it’s your responsibility to protect your company’s digital assets from cybercrime, but the path forward is not always so easy or clear-cut. Without a thorough knowledge and expertise of IT security at your disposal, it can be challenging to protect your infrastructure as adequately as it needs to be. Here are some of the common issues that involve cybersecurity, as well as how you can address them.

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What are You Doing for Your Employees’ Health in the Office?

What are You Doing for Your Employees’ Health in the Office?

The past few years have made many people understandably antsy about their health and spending extended amounts of time around other people—which can make coming into the office a very, very stressful experience for some. How can you make your office a healthier place so your team can feel a little more secure as they work?

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What Does Your Business Need to Keep it Secure?

What Does Your Business Need to Keep it Secure?

Your business is your livelihood, so it only makes sense to invest in its protections so that your livelihood is secure. This will require a strategic approach. Let’s go over what your business needs to remain sufficiently secure, and what you should look for from each to get the best, most secure option. 

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Apex Technology
18335 Old Statesville Rd. Suite K
Cornelius, North Carolina 28031

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